Sales Tax Policy



As required by law, unless we have received a valid and properly completed SALES TAX EXEMPTION DOCUMENT from your business or organization, Restaurant Equippers, Inc. must collect and remit sales tax for all merchandise picked up by you or delivered to you within the states listed below.


Tax-Exempt Status for Businesses and Organizations


If your business or organization has tax-exempt status in any of the below states where you are to pick up or have merchandise delivered, for Restaurant Equippers to make your purchase non-taxable, you must provide us with a properly completed Sales Tax Exemption Document(s). To assist you, we have included the Sales Tax Exemption Documents from each state most commonly used to help document our customers' Tax Exemption Status at Restaurant Equippers.


  • In the list below, locate the appropriate state where you will pick up or have the merchandise delivered.
  • Choose the exemption document that represents your reason for exemption in that state.
  • Print the exemption document.
  • Complete the document. Make sure to attach any additional information that may be required.
  • Fax or email the properly completed exemption document, along with any additional required information, toll-free to our National Order Office at FAX 1-866-532-9934 or email to
  • Contact our National Order Office toll-free at 888-430-1655 to confirm your document was received.
  • Once the completed certificate has been received and validated, Restaurant Equippers will mark your account as tax-exempt for delivery within that state.

Restaurant Equippers, Inc. does not currently collect and remit sales tax on deliveries to states other than those listed below. However, in some cases, an order may be shipped directly from the manufacturer to you in a state where the manufacturer has a taxable presence (nexus). In such cases, Restaurant Equippers, Inc. may be required to collect and pay the applicable tax to the manufacturer before shipment. We will alert you in these instances before collecting additional funds.

Should your exempt status be a result of being a non-profit exempt organization or an exempt federal, state, or local government organization, in addition to providing us with your initial exemption document in some cases, we will need additional documentation for each transaction. That documentation will verify that your payment is being made directly from the exempt organization's funds as required by that state's sales tax law (i.e., in some states, a copy of the payment document or the credit card showing the name of your exempt organization is required for each transaction). In such cases, payment by cash, personal check, or personal credit card cannot be accepted even if your organization later reimburses you.

Sales Tax Refunds

If you are a tax-exempt business or organization and have paid tax in error, please contact us at 888-430-1655 to provide the required exemption information and obtain credit for the taxes charged. Such refunds can normally be made only within 30 days after the sale is completed. Otherwise, special procedures may be required to obtain a refund from the state.


  • If you are an existing Restaurant Equippers customer and already have exempt status with us by visiting our stores or phoning in an order, our website will recognize your exempt status once you log into your account. If it does not please contact our National Order Office at 888-430-1655 for assistance.
  • If you have an account that is tax exempt, please do not create a new account. Tax exempt status for an organization cannot be shared by multiple accounts. If you need assistance recovering the username or password for your tax exempt account, please use the live chat in the lower right corner of the webpage or contact our National Order Office at 888-430-1655.

Commonly Used Exemption Documentation


Alabama Sales Tax Exemption Affidavit
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Arizona General Exemption Certificate
Arizona Healthcare Exemption Certificate
Arizona Resale Certificate


Arkansas Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Certification of Federal Government Entity


California Resale Certificate
Certification of U.S. Government Entity


Colorado Restaurant Equippers Exemption Declaration
REI Certification of Federal Government Entity


Connecticut Certificate-119 Exempt Organization
Connecticut Certificate-134 Government Entity
Connecticut Certificate-113 Non-Profit Hospital Care Facility
Connecticut Resale Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity

District of Columbia (D.C.)

Certification of D.C. Non-Profit 501C(3) Semi-Public Institution
Certification of D.C. Government Agency or Entity
D.C. Resale Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. U.S. Federal Government Entity Certification


Florida Exempt Entity Affidavit
Flordia Resale Certificate  Affidavit
Flordia Sale to Tribe Affidavit
Flordia State or Local Government Affidavit
Flordia Manufacturing Exemption Form
U.S. Federal Government Entity Affidavit


Georgia Streamline Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity
Georgia Exempt Manufacturing Certificate
Georgia Exempt Purchaser or Resale Certificate


Illinois Resale Exemption Certificate CRT-61
Illinois 501c3 Religious Illinois State Government, School, City, Library, etc. Exemption Affidavit
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Indiana Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity
General Sales Tax Certificate


Iowa Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Kansas Streamlined Exemption Certificate


Kentucky Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Kentucky Exempt Purchaser Certificate
Kentucky Resale Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Louisiana Political Subdivisions R-1056
Louisiana Indian Tribe Form R-1046
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Federal Government Entity Certificate


Maine Restaurant Equippers Exemption Declaration
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Maryland Sales Tax Exemption Affidavit
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Massachusetts Exempt Purchaser ST-5
Massachusetts Resale Certificate ST-4
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Michigan Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Minnesota Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity
ST-3 Minnesota Certificate of Exemption & Instructions


Mississippi Sales Tax Exemption Affidavit
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Missouri Sales Tax Exemption Affidavit

Missouri Resale Exempt Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Nebraska Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity
Resale or Exempt Sale Certificate


Nevada Affidavit of Exempt Entity Affidavit
Nevada Resale Certificate
Certification of Nevada Government Agency or Entity

New Jersey

New York

New York Certificate of Indian Exemption DTF-801
New York Exempt Organization ST-119.1
New York Farmers Exemption Certification ST-125
New York Resale Certificate ST-120
New York State Government Entity
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity

North Carolina

North Carolina Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Ohio Certificate of Exemption
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Oklahoma Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Oklahoma Resale Affidavit
Oklahoma Exempt Entity Affidavit
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity

South Carolina

South Carolina Certification of Federal Government Entity
South Carolina Resale Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity

South Dakota

South Dakota Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Tennessee Sales And Use Tax Blanket Certificate Of Resale
Tennessee Streamlined Sales Tax Exemption Certificate
Certification of Federal Government Entity


Texas Commercial Agriculture Exemption
General Sales Tax Exemption Certificate
Resale-Manufacturing Exemption Certificate


Vermont Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Vermont Sales Tax Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Virginia Chuch Exemption Certificate
Virginia Farmers Exemption Certificate
Virginia Non-Profit & Veteran Services Organization Exemption Declaration
Virginia Resale, Lease, or Rental Exemption Certificate
Virginia State and Federal Entity Exemption Certificate


Washington Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity

West Virginia

West Virginia Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity
West Virginia Exemption Certificate


Wisconsin Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Wyoming Streamlined Exemption Certificate
Restaurant Equippers, Inc. Certification of Federal Government Entity


Restaurant Equippers, Inc. does not currently collect and remit sales tax on deliveries to states other than those listed above. However, in some cases, an order may be shipped directly from the manufacturer to you in a state where the manufacturer has a taxable presence (nexus). In such cases, Restaurant Equippers, Inc. may be required to collect and pay the applicable tax to the manufacturer before shipment. We will alert you in these instances before collecting additional funds.

Should your exempt status be a result of being a non-profit exempt organization or an exempt federal, state, or local government organization, in addition to providing us with your initial exemption document in some cases, we will need additional documentation for each transaction that will verify that your payment for such transaction is being made directly from your exempt organization's funds as required by that state's sales tax law (i.e., in some states a copy of the payment document or the credit card showing the name of your exempt organization is required for each transaction). In such cases, payment by cash, personal check, or personal credit card cannot be accepted even if your organization later reimburses it.

Sales Tax Refunds

If you are a tax-exempt business or organization and have paid tax in error, please contact us at 888-430-1655, ext. 118 or 147 to provide the required exemption information and obtain credit for the taxes charged. Such refunds can usually be made only within 30 days after the sale is completed. Otherwise, special procedures may be required to obtain a refund from the state.

Note: If you are an existing Restaurant Equippers customer and already have exempt status with us by visiting our stores or phoning in an order, our website will not recognize your exempt status the first time you place an online order. Please use the lower chat in the lower right corner of the webpage or call our National Order Office at 888-430-1655.